and Historical Society
Ringsbury Camp
Ringsbury Camp is a well preserved Iron Age hillfort near Purton in Wiltshire. There are over 4000 hillforts in Britain and Ireland and around 1000 in England with around 50 of these in Wiltshire. There is another hillfort in Purton parish, Bury Hill which is just north of the railway line near White Lodge., but this has been mostly ploughed out and is barely visible. The function of these hillforts is the subject of lively debate amongst archaeologists but most would agree that the range of sizes (from less than an acre to over 100 acres) means that they were unlikely to have all had the same function. Many argue that they had a defensive function. They may not have been continually manned but may have been a place of safety when danger threatened. An alternative view is that they had an agricultural function and had more to do with the management of sheep than protecting themselves from neighbouring tribes. The article in the link below examines the features of Ringsbury Camp and proposes a hypothesis about how it was used.