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Records and Recollections

Great news! Thanks to the outstanding work of both committee and members we have now raised enough funds to publish the updated version of Records and Recollections.

Don't Forget!

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 27th March.

Society AGM, followed by three ten-minute talks (which could take more than ten minutes)

Tony Neate will be talking about his youthful tour de Europe and the Middle East

Marion Hobbs will be talking about the recent history of Ireland told through her family's picture postcards

Keith Allsop will give an update on the Romans in Purton project

7.30 Start

Romans in Purton

On 22nd Feb, Andy Hood of Foundations Archaeology gave a talk on the excavations at Willis Way in Purton that took place in the 1980s and in 2016.  The highlight of the excavations was the discovery of a 4th century Roman burial ground.  The talk attracted a lot of interest and further details of the discoveries are in the attached documents (just click to open).









The talk attracted so much attention that Andy thought that a program of test pitting in peoples back gardens would be feasible to gain a better understanding of the extent and nature of the Roman presence in Purton.  30 volunteer households were recruited and a presentation was made to the volunteers on 24th April at the Royal George in Purton.  The presentation can be viewed in the document below


Pictures from Romans in Purton

tp3 backfill photo.jpg
16th and 18th May

A piece of a Roman tegula (Roman roof tile) from Blacklands

1st June
22nd June
29th June
posthole 1103 detail.JPG
27th July

A piece of worked flint.  It didn't quite make it as a blade, known as debitage


The finds trays, mostly pottery from various eras


A sociable dig in Pavenhill

28th September (photos by Anna Hodges)

Possible Iron Age pottery (needs to be confirmed by experts)

Iron Age pottery 1.jpg
Iron Age pottery 2.jpg
Iron Age pottery 3.jpg

Roman grey ware.  So called because it is Roman and grey

Pottery 3.jpg

The inside of the bowl of a Roman mortar and pestle.  The surface is impregnated with hard minerals to aid grinding of herbs.

2nd November
Pottery 4.jpg

Roman tessera - the building block of a Roman mosaic

Tessera 2.jpg

Worked flints


Early medieval pottery, possibly 11th century

Early medieval pottery 2.jpg
Early medieval, pottery.jpg

Possibly not Roman


Purton Voices

The recordings of Alec Robbins interviews with Purton residents have been transferred to the "About Purton" section.

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