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Why not join PHS (See below)


Membership subscriptions for 2025 are now due, at £18. They can be paid in cash, or by cheque made payable to “Purton Historical Society”, and sent to Peter Lewis, 51 The Hyde, Purton, Wiltshire SN5 4EA. Alternatively, payment by bank transfer is possible; the account details are:


                        Account name:         Purton Historical Society

                        Account number:     00662136

                        Sort code:                 30-98-41


If paying by bank transfer, please record your name in the reference field on the payment authorisation.  Similarly, if paying by cash, please include a note of your name.

The Committee would be very grateful if existing members could renew their membership as soon as possible.


New members are very welcome; please include a note of your postal and email addresses with your payment, or, if paying by bank transfer, please email Peter Lewis, with that information.


Peter Lewis

PHS Treasurer

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